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How modify default Hauwei HiLink IP

Posted: 27 Sep 2017, 17:51
by fabioravila
Hello everybody,

I am new to the forum and would like to inform you that so far many of the topics have helped me a lot to accomplish my project.

Well, i edit the post because I discovered that it is not possible to access the html pages in serial mode.

Well now I'm trying to put more than one modem in HiLink mode on the same computer, but I stand in the IP conflict problem.
Parameters that the ip of the HIlink network card is encoded in the firmware.

I tried to get a firmware update file, and edit with hex editor, changing only the strings from ip 192.168 to 192.169, without changing the file size. However when attempting to load the firmware, an error is displayed.

Is there anything else I have to do after editing the ip, some md5 hash?

A summary about my project: In my locality the internet connection is poor and we only have 3g available, but no operator has a good connection. So I decided to build a pc to be a proxy of 5 modens 3g (each of a telephone company). So by verifying I minimize the problems.

Thank you all....

my old quastion
With the forum tutorials, I was able to put more than one 3g e303 modem connected to the same computer on the internet through wvdial, and I'm performing a load balance with nginx.

However when I put the modem in serial mode, I can no longer access the configuration page (old: as well as / api. Is there any way to access this page in ppp mode

Taking advantage of: Is there any way to connect more than one e303 in cdc_ether mode on the same computer and have individual access for each modem, I always stop at the IP problem that I can not modify

Re: How modify default Hauwei HiLink IP

Posted: 12 May 2024, 08:47
by DirkAurich
I love how you draw connections farmed kitchen between seemingly unrelated topics.