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COMFAST CF-WU782AC USB adapter linux support

Posted: 08 Mar 2019, 19:55
by zap

There's very little information on the subject in the nets right now, so I thought I should shre this.

You can deactivate the CD-ROM with windoz drivers and activate the Wi-Fi network card either manually:

Code: Select all

usb_modeswitch -K -W -v 0e8d -p 2870
or automatically, for this you have to edit the file /lib/udev/rules.d/40-usb_modeswitch.rules and add two lines (actually one):

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# COMFAST CF-WU782AC dual WiFi
ATTR{idVendor}=="0e8d", ATTR{idProduct}=="2870", RUN+="usb_modeswitch '/%k'"
Then create the file /usr/share/usb_modeswitch/0e8d:2870 and put the following inside:

Code: Select all

# COMFAST CF-WU782AC dual WiFi
Then do a "udevadm trigger" and the card should show up in dmesg or in lsusb.

The driver that worked for me on kernel 4.18 is this:

Just make, make install and it's done.

With kernel 4.19 and later you will have to blacklist the in-kernel driver first, because it doesn't work, even worse - it crashed my kernel. For this create a file name /etc/modprobe.d/mt76x2u.conf with a single line inside:

Code: Select all

blacklist mt76x2u
And of course thank to usb_modeswitch author for the great tool. When I bought this device at first I was thinking I'll have to dig out everything myself :) you saved me a lot of time.